Explore Diversity! In a world of myth and magic, great heroes travel across the land taming and defeating various beasts and earning their place as legends. But as your adventure through...
Explore Diversity Hidden away in Atlas Animalia we noted a few variants of creatures that could technically be variant races. And so, we made them playable races. Races include: Lizardfolk Axoltotlean...
Explore Diversity with the Atlas Animalia deck accessory. Consisting of 100 cards, each card features a single full-size image of the various creatures found in Atlas Animalia. Great way to show off...
Explore Diversity! In a world of myth and magic, great heroes travel across the land taming and defeating various beasts and earning their place as legends. But as your adventure through...
Explore Diversity with the Atlas Animalia deck accessory. Consisting of 100 cards, each card features a single full-size image of the various creatures found in Atlas Animalia. Great way to show off...